Albert Einstein: Causality. Lecture at the Marxist Workers School 1930 (Private Notes by Karl Korsch)
Sascha Freyberg & Joost Kircz
Pages 207–232| Published online: 03 April 2024
Korsch, Karl. [1930] 2024. “Albert Einstein: Causality. Lecture at the Marxist Workers School 1930 (Private Notes).” Translated with an introduction by Sascha Freyberg and Joost Kircz. Marxism & Sciences 3(1): 207–232.
The article entails the translation of notes made by Karl Korsch in 1930 at a lecture given by Albert Einstein at the Marxist Workers School in Berlin. The event was announced as a working group discussion. Einstein spoke on the topic of causality which was of particular interest due to the developments in physics at the time as well as the problem of causality in historical materialism. The translation is accompanied by an introduction which provides context and discusses the more implicit problems addressed in Korsch’s notes, in particular the council communist idea of workers education and the issue of complexity.
KEYWORDS: Karl Korsch, Albert Einstein, Marxist Workers School, Causality, Complexity, Historical Materialism, Science
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