
Marxism, from Ideology to Science: Evald Ilyenkov and His Contribution to Marxist Thought

Alexander Surmava
Pages 73-108| Published online: 16 Sep 2022

Surmava, Alexander. 2023. “Marxism, From Ideology to Science: Evald Ilyenkov and His Contribution to Marxist Thought.” Marxism & Sciences 2(1): 73–108. 


This text is a reflection on the current fate and prospects of Marxism. It discusses Marxism’s retreat from science to ideology shortly after the passing of the founders of Marxism and the essence of ideology as false consciousness, understood in Spinoza’s materialist logic. The role of Ilyenkov as a theorist close to Marxism, who took the first major step towards returning the latter to the dignity of critical science and the internal contradictions in his thinking that did not allow him to draw the obvious conclusions from his revolutionary new reading of Spinoza, is emphasised.

KEYWORDS: Science, ideology, Marxism, materialism, object-oriented activity, Spinoza, Marx, Ilyenkov, Lenin, Vygotsky.


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