The Objective Validity of Engels’ Dialectic Theory as a Method of Reasoning
Engin Delice
Pages 13-51| Published online:31 Aug 2022
Delice, Engin. 2022. “The Objective Validity of Engels’ Dialectic Theory as a Method of Rea- soning.” Marxism & Sciences 1(2): 13–51.
What gives validity to Engels’ dialectical theory? Is it the process of nature’s own functioning that provides validity to the dialectic, or is it the logical order of the concepts? The orthodox Marxists, who take Engels’ dialectic as the “dialectic of nature,” are in favour of the former. The proponents of the latter seem to reject the dialectic of nature by associating the dialectic with Hegel’s logical operations. The former reduces thinking to the object, while the latter reduces the object to thinking. For these two grounds of validity, Engels provides sufficient explanation in Anti-Dühring and the Dialectics of Nature. Along with these, in this article it is assumed that what ensures the validity of Engels’s dialectical theory is the potentiality that the logical order of thought in the reasoning process can accompany the internal relations of the object. Based on this assumption, the article argues that dialectics is a method of thinking. Based on this assumption, the article assumes that different names, such as the dialectic of nature, society, and consciousness originate from the object of the dialectic, and therefore rejects the plurality of names of dialectics.
KEYWORDS: Engels, Marx, philosophy, dialectics, dialectic of nature, dialectic of thought, natural sciences, materialism, ontology.
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