
Unity, Motion, and Reciprocity in Friedrich Engels’ Dialectics of Nature

Cihan Cinemre
Pages 131-155| Published online: 27 Jan 2022

Cinemre, Cihan. 2022. “Unity, Motion, and Reciprocity in Friedrich Engels’ Dialectics of Nature.” Marxism & Sciences 1(1):131–155.


The Dialectics of Nature is one of the most significant works regarding materialist dialectics, first and foremost because it fills the gap in expounding materialist dialectics as the objective law of motion on earth. The fundamental aspect of this expounding is the view that postulates human and nature in their unity and presenting the dialectic as the objective law of motion on earth through the sphere of natural sciences and establishing the material basis of the materialist dialectics as the view of the whole. This is not merely a matter of theory; this activity is required for the praxis to sublate the capitalist mode of production and the mode of scientific production internal to it.

Keywords: Dialectics of nature, motion, reciprocity, metaphysics, unity of opposites.


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