Marxism and Science from an Enactive Perspective

Kyrill Potapov and Ezequiel A. Di Paolo
Pages 109–124| Published online: 12 September 2024

Potapov, Kyrill and Ezequiel A. Di Paolo. 2024. “Marxism and Science from an Enactive Perspective.” Marxism & Sciences 3(2): 109–124.


This interview with Ezequiel Di Paolo explores the connections between biology, politics, and cognitive science through the lens of enactivism. Di Paolo discusses the origins and influences of enactivism, including the work of Francisco Varela and its potential dialectical underpinnings. The enactive approach is contrasted with approaches foregrounding the Free Energy Principle, emphasizing the im-portance of historicity and concrete embodied experience in understanding cog-nition and life. Di Paolo critiques reductionist approaches in cognitive science, arguing for a more nuanced understanding that incorporates social and material factors. He highlights the relevance of Evald Ilyenkov’s work on the ideal and dialectics to contemporary cognitive science, suggesting that Ilyenkov’s ideas could provide a theoretical frame to bring together some threads of work already being done in this area. The interview considers political implications of differ-ent approaches to cognitive science, and how some approaches implicitly repli-cate wider contemporary social arrangements and individualistic worldviews. Di Paolo advances a dialectical approach to science that remains open to revising concepts and boundaries when confronted with concrete reality. The emphasis here is on the historical context and value judgments inherent in scientific in-quiry. He describes how a dialectical approach in science involves a constant cir-culation between abstract concepts and concrete experience, leading to a more integrated and self-critical form of knowledge production. The interview sheds light on what it might mean to work towards bringing together science and Marxism, as Ilyenkov argues for in Dialectics of the Abstract and Contrete in Marx’s Capital (1982 – Progress Publishers). Di Paolo’s own scientific inquiries are not only informed by Ilyenkov but serve as a model for how science can align with Marxist goals, ideas and methods.

KEYWORDS: Enactivism, cognitive science, dialectics, historicity, Francisco Varela, Evald Ilyenkov.


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