1954 Theses by Ilyenkov and Korovikov & Ilyenkov’s letter to the CPSU
Sigurd Lydersen
Pages 133–144| Published online: 09 September 2024
Ilyenkov, Evald and Valentin Korovikov. 2024 [1954]. “Teser til spørsmålet om sammen-hengen mellom filosofi og kunnskap om natur og samfunn i deres historiske utvik-lingsprosess.” Marxism & Sciences 3(2): 133–144. Translated by Sigurd Lydersen with the title; 1954 Theses by Ilyenkov and Korovikov.
Sigurd Lydersen
Pages 145–154| Published online: 12 September 2024
Ilyenkov, Evald. 2024. “Om situasjonen for filosofien [Et brev til partiets sentralkomitè].” Marxism & Sciences 3(2): 145–154. Translated by Sigurd Lydersen.
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Ilyenkov, Evald and Valentin Korovikov. 1954. “Theses on the Question of the Intercon-nection of Philosophy and Knowledge of Nature and Society in the Process of their Historical Development.” Marxist Internet Archive. Translated by David Bakhurst.
_________. 1954 “Tesisy k voprosy o vzaimosvjasi filosofii i znanija o prirode i obshestve v processe ikh istoricheskogo razvitija.” In Evald Ilyenkov. Abstraktnoe i konkretnoe. Sobranie sochinenij Tom 1: 354–63. Moscow: Kanon+.
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