The Machine and the Human, Cybernetics and Philosophy
Iurii Maksymets
Pages 155–174| Published online: 19 September 2024
Ilyenkov, Evald, Anatoliy Arsen’ev and Vasily Davydov. [1966] 2024. “Machine And Hu-man, Cybernetics and Philosophy.” Marxism & Sciences 3(2): 155–174. Translated by Iurii Maksymets.
This article is a translation of a 1966 text by Evald Ilyenkov, Anatoliy Arsen′ev and Vasily Davydov on the science of cybernetics and the belief of many cyber-neticians that they can create a “thinking machine” by modelling the human brain. The authors argue against such belief while not denying the benefits of cy-bernetics. The article examines concepts such as “thinking,” “the machine,” and “the human” from the perspective of Marxist philosophy. The authors criticize the ideological influence of cybernetics on Soviet thought about social organization.
KEYWORDS: Cybernetics, Human, Machine, Philosophy, Thinking
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