Dialectical Materialism in the Mirror of Quantum Physics
Sanjay Kumar
Pages 175–204| Published online: 16 August 2024
Kumar, Sanjay. 2024. “Dialectical Materialism in the Mirror of Quantum Physics.” Marx-ism & Sciences 3(2): 175–204.
Most proponents of dialectical materialism claim it to be the most coherent un-derstanding of developments within sciences. Hence, it should concern them that there exist seemingly contradictory dialectical materialist understandings of the accepted theory of micro physics. Among physicists who accept dialectical materialism, there are ones who argue in favour of the standard interpretation of quantum physics, as well as others who oppose it. We discuss arguments of two such physicists, Valdimir Fock and David Bohm. They both give physical ar-guments against the neo-Kantian and positivist elements of the dominant Co-penhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. While Bohm uses the notion of ‘qualitative infinity of nature’ against the maximalist form of this interpretation, Fock defends a minimalist form of this interpretation with the argument of the ‘relativity to the means of observation’. Similarly, their proposals differ on the key question of the origin of randomness in quantum measurements. Despite having a consistent formalism, there are gaps in the physical understanding of quantum physics, and at least part of their divergent interpretations relates to these gaps. It is argued that the divergent views of Bohm and Fock should not be read polemically. Rather, they together help develop a more comprehensive characterization of dialectical materialism as a worldview in development. Ar-guments of Bohm and Fock explore and substantiate materialist and dialectical themes in physics. Their divergence shows that dialectical materialism cannot pre-empt science. In fact, as sciences discover new properties of matter, dialecti-cal materialism needs to continually renew its repertory of generalized concepts to grasp these properties.
KEYWORDS: Dialectical Materialism, Quantum Physics, David Bohm, V A Fock.
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